SimpleXMLElement Object
    [0] => 316000

Nearly New Sundance Home

Status: Sold
Acres: 0.16 +/-
Type: Residential Property
Address: In town
City, State: Sundance, Wyoming
County: Crook
ZIP Code: 82729
Lat/Long: 44.406375, -104.375782
Presented By: Jim Pederson
Dwelling Sq Ft: 1,740
Bedrooms: 3


Recently SOLD!

Congratulations to the Buyers of this nice Sundance WY Property! Thank you for your continued business!

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Parcels on interactive maps are not adjusted to match aerial backgrounds. This information is for reference purposes only and is not a legal document. Data map contain errors. The seller and seller’s agent are making known to all potential buyers that there may be variations between the location of the existing fence lines and the legal description of the deeded property. Seller and seller’s agent make no warranties with regard to the location of the fence lines in relationship to the deeded property lines, nor does the Seller make any warranties or representations with regard to the specific acreage contained within the fenced property lines. Seller is selling the property in an “as is” condition, which includes the location of the fences as they exist. Boundaries shown on the accompanying maps are approximate, based on county parcel data. The maps are not to scale. The accuracy of the maps is not guaranteed. Prospective buyers are encouraged to verify fence lines, deeded property lines and acreages using a licensed surveyor at their own expense.